It’s official! We’re super happy to announce that we’re now selling BLEED… right here, at our webstore!
We wanted to start selling this dope brand for ages but only today we made it happen.
At the moment we have 3 of their amazing products available at this website: 2 x ECO4 sneakers + 1 x SYMPATEX waterproof jacket. Eco! Fairtrade! Yeah! But don’t worry because there’s more products on the way. Stay tuned!
BLEED – 100% ECO! 100% FAIR! 150% YEAH!
What drives BLEED?
Alongside a lifestyle characterised by sustainability, they’re all connected to each other through one other passion. Everyone behind BLEED, no matter how young or old, big or small, male or female, has a shared love: sport. Whether its skating, surfing, snowboarding, skiing, biking, longboarding or running. Sport belongs in our life like water in the sea and nature is our self-professed favourite playground. So they don’t just allow their life’s blood and passion to flow into their collections, they also bring in various experiences from the world of sport.
BLEED‘s mission: “To inspire a sustainable lifestyle that excites and easily integrates into our daily life.”